
Wednesday, December 31, 2014

Gratefulness leads to abundance. + 2015 goal.

I can't say what exactly started this habit, I've actually done it for years. I was able to embrace it in a new and impactful way 2 years ago. It's a habit I will keep for the rest of my life. This tool was awkward at first, but has improved my relationships, stress levels, finances, and more.

Let's start with the year I challenged myself to begin every journal entry with 10 things I'm thankful for. I committed to writing at least 2x a week same the year I was planning our wedding.  As a DIY bride there were many stressful days as I was trying to create the wedding of my dreams on our simple budget. After the wedding I took some time to look over the journal. I was so grateful, the memories I will keep forever will not be the stress, mental blocks, obstacles, or challenges along the way. It will start with all the love, support, encouragement, and victories I had during the journey. It focuses myself or any reader to look over that time period as a very joyous phase.

So what does gratefulness have to do with abundance? Great question, but let me finish my story.

The following year, I cut back on the list. I only required myself to write 5 things I was thankful for, but added 5 blessing, miracles, affirmations, or lessons to the list. This was the year I became an entrepreneur. I almost gave it up, more than once. It is scary and hard to create your own business. By journaling this way, I was able to see the lessons, not the failures. It was a great addition to my list of things I'm thankful for. It trained my mental eye to become more sensitive to my gut feelings, see God's hand in things, and embrace all the affirming encouragement to keep going.

There are many life lessons I hope to share from this year. This one is such a joyful one. Here is how being thankful has allowed abundance to enter my life.

1. When I am thankful for all that I have, I'm more confident and creative. I am able to approach challenges with the tools I have, feeling confident I have what it takes to complete it. In the past I found myself focusing on what I wanted. It was often followed with a sense of lacking. I would struggle to get through challenges thinking I "needed" something to achieve it. I had thoughts like "if I just had more sleep", "if I just had more help", "if I just had product X". When writing my thankful list I was able to sit back and see I was getting help, support, and I did have many tools to use.

2. When we are grateful, we are happier. I found that even on the hardest days, when hitting that goal of 10 things (I tried not to repeat any item during a month, so sometimes I had to be creative) when I was finished, I had changed my mood. It felt like moving from a space of struggle to a space of completeness or wholeness. During the second year, when I added other items, I was able to see the lessons vs. failures, growth and development vs. struggle and hardship, my abilities and strengths vs. weaknesses or short comings. I began to fall in love with the journey instead of simple wishing for the end. I was happier and fascinated discovering who I was, and where I was gong.

3. When I am thankful and happy, I don't need "more". I had more control over "retail therapy" and emotional eating. I was crossing things off a want list and found myself sharing more. I started seeing ways to simplify my life by getting rid of what was only taking up space in my home. I was spending less.

So I'm taking it to the next step. My goals for 2015 will continue down this path with a few new changes. I will continue to write 5 things I'm thankful for plus 2 affirmations or blessings, and finally my act of abundance.

What is a daily act of abundance? Well, here is how I'm going to define it, as I challenge myself.
Everyday I will give to another from a place of gratitude and abundance. This may include encouragement, support, aid, act of kindness, or even a gift. I hope this will help deepen some friendships and create new ones. I hope that by giving to others, life will give back to me. This is about sharing what I have, so others may find joy and abundance too. As we hope to buy a house this year and take on other dreams, I hope that cultivating abundance will allow me to enjoy what I have and the quest ahead.


I'm not sure what this will look like over the course of a year. I'm nervous about it. But any goal that makes you a little nervous is always worth trying. I hope everyone that reads this will be on the receiving end some day. I trust that 2015 has many great things in store for my husband and I. I'm supper excited for 2015. Let's have a great year!

Courtney Lathrop-Juhl

Wednesday, December 10, 2014

Change the script

Rewrite the script!

We all have an inner dialog. It may be conversations we want to have, or don’t want to have, to stressing over that to-do list. This inner dialog sometimes doesn’t always work in our favor, but with effort it can.

Example: You hurt your finger. Now every time you touch it, it hurts. So what do I do? We keep touching or bumping it. And what happens? It remains irritated or even continues to get worse.

When our minds start to repeat “scripts” or thoughts/ conversations over and over again. It can have physical / emotional responses. “I’m so tired.” Over and over again. Then I start to make more mistakes, equaling more work, or “validating” that I am tired. I've be consumed with this thought that it’s no wonder I am not preforming to my best and making mistakes.  I'm not focused on work!

Here is a personal example of the impact of such scripting.

I was at work (I had multiple jobs at the time). I had a lot on my plate, bult I was really excited about how things were going. I was learning, gaining lots of personal development. I was seeing dreams come true. However, because of this growth period, I was drained emotionally and physically. I found myself showing up to work and stating “oh, I’m good, but I’m really busy. I’m feeling a bit burned out” The more I talked with coworkers and went on with my shift, the more I was stressed out about my to-do list and the things that needed to be done for my other job. I found myself leaving with a headache and lots of anxiety.

When I was home that night and reflecting, I realized a few things. First, I can do this. I have made time, and I’m keeping balanced expectations. Why do I feel so anxious? Second, that my “script” doesn’t match my truth. I started journaling, then found it! The more I kept saying “I’m just so busy.” or “I’m really worn out.” Or “I’ve got so much going on, and I’m so tire” The more it became true EMOTIONALLY.

I dug deeper to find my honest truth. I was pushing myself, but not too hard. I was making time to eat, sleep, and relax every day. What was it that I really wanted my friends and coworkers to understand? I wanted to express that I was tired, to explain my lack of energy and enthusiasm. I wanted them to respect my personal growth, and what I was achieving. It then dawned on me that if I communicate what I want them to understand, I could stop the script that was draining me.

The next day at work I did just that. Instead of sharing the old “I’m tired” I shared “I’m good, I just….” And would share new skills, achievements, or journeys I was on. What happened? I actually felt really proud of myself and had more energy. My coworkers responded with respect or advice to help and followed with “you must be really busy and tired” In turn giving me the sympathy I was seeking.

In the end, check your “script”. What thoughts are you repeating/ sharing? What do these words accomplish? What is it that you want to accomplish? Why?  Keep asking yourself why. Once you discover answers, look for ways to change your approach and rewrite your script to reflect your goals and dreams.

When I journal during times of deep reflection I will often diffuse oils depending on the emotions that are associated with the circumstance. Here are some examples:

Bergamot for self-acceptance, white fir for possible generational issues, Lemongrass for clearing, rosemary for adjusting and transitioning to name a few. I highly smelling oils as you journal, and rotate the oils.

Monday, December 8, 2014

Blocking your blessings

Blocking your blessings.

At church this morning, Pastor M. Jackson spoke about blessings, and how we are the richest people. I really enjoyed the message. Later that day as I was pondering this sermon and wondered; how many times have I avoided life’s blessings?

Let me share with you some of the blessings I feel I may walked away from unknowingly.

1.       Money. In not taking a job offer, because I thought it would be too hard, or I was afraid of what would be required of me. Later, as an entrepreneur, I’ve had opportunities for sales that I missed. Instead of sharing how I could help, and going into price and payment options, I simply replied that some people love it, but didn’t tell them how to get it. I fear being pushy, or becoming a “salesman”.  I’ve discovered several ways I block a sale because of my own insecurities.

2.       Emotions. Holding onto my fears, worries, doubts, or even anger instead of letting go and receiving Joy, peace, or love. When I was younger, I would spend so much time focusing on “mistakes”, “failures”, or embarrassing moments. In recent years, I have learned to let go, can do so much easier and faster. I am amazed at what happens. This has happened to me many times, but let me give you one example. An accident happened that put my husband and I in a very dangerous position. Afterwards, I was blown away at the magnitude of it. I couldn’t believe we were unharmed and not going to the hospital. I cried that night. Thinking I wouldn’t be able to be in that situation again. I had to tell my family I couldn’t do the work anymore. I was so stressed about it, and felt I was going to let them down. I had a long week ahead of me and need to let it go until morning. When I woke, I was FILLED with peace and courage. I can’t explain it other than it was a huge emotional transformation without reason. I sat back, knew it was from God, and opened my arms to receive more. It never left me.  

Those two examples of money and emotions can be very impacting on someone’s life. They are not the only blessings I have missed, there have been others.  I don't look at those moments as failures. I see them as learning tools. It’s when I started to see the little blessings and focused on them, that I really started being able to accept them.
I turned my attention to be thankful, and trying to see the supernatural in the world. I worked to train my mind to focus only on what I wanted to create more of, and let go that which I didn’t. The law of attraction describes that “like attracts like”, the more you focus on what you want from a state of abundance and gratitude, the more you attract blessings. It’s the energy you generate.
I began to journal 10 things I was thankful for, so I would live my life from a perspective of abundance. I looked backed on my days to try and see all tiny miracles.

Moments I saw as blessings:
1.       Conversations with someone that would lift me up. I believe God works through us, even when we don’t realize it. Some of these conversations would be a competitor speaking wealth and encouragement to me. Another moment is helping someone through life issues. Our conversations brings light to the problem in a new way and they feel motivated and encouraged to address it with confidence. Other times, it’s just being there for someone so they feel heard. Allowing them to release and move forward.

2.       Someone or something being at the right place at the right time.

3.       A compliment, encouragement, or inspiration from a book, photo, friend, or even stranger.

The easiest way for me to allow more blessing into my life was to focus on them. From Pastor Jackson sermon, God blesses us every day.

Ephesians 1:4 He chose us. Ephesians 1:5 he adopted us. Ephesians 1:6 He accepted us.
Ephesians 1:7 He redeemed us. Ephesians 1:8 He showered his grace upon us. Ephesians 1:11 He included us in his inheritance. Ephesians 1:13 He sealed us with his spirit. He blesses us.

I chose to start with a thankful heart. I listed what I was grateful for that day to live in abundance. Then I would write any marvelous moments that felt like tiny miracles. Teach your mind to see all the blessings that surround you.

Today’s journal entry:

Things I’m thankful for:

1.     A good craft fair show yesterday. 2.     My hubby and I getting through this weekend with enough energy. 3.     Our health. (flu going around) 4.    Vehicle is running fine.  5.     Being able to bond with some amazing people.


1.     I was able to find harmony to a beautiful song at church. I was moved by the song. Later, a lady told me I had a beautiful voice. She was moved by my singing today. I think it was a gift to us, I normally don’t find the harmony.

2.     My hubby was able to bond with people. He has a way with reaching out to others that I don’t. I’m always amazed at the friendships he forms so easily. It blesses both of us.

3.     Being able to volunteer. It was fun. I hope someone was touched by it.

4.    Amazing vender’s at the fair. They were kind and encouraging. They hugged us, and my competition came over to shake my hand and speak wealth, encouragement, and prosperity to our business. I was deeply touched.

5.     People sharing that they love the service/products we make. I’m always blessed and encouraged by this news. Being able to help others warms my heart.

6.    I went to take a photo outside, and a hawk landed in a tree yards in front of me. I just stared at the beautiful bird. It felt magical. I was afraid to move. I mentally said “thank you” to the universe for creating that moment for me.

Examine your days. Can you find any moments that were divinely created? Have you ever felt that you let an opportunity pass? Embrace them as a lesson, not a failure or mistake. There are no failures. Next time, welcome them with open arms, and be thankful.

Diffuse wild orange for abundance, and gratitude. Diffuse either black pepper, frankincense, or vetiver for unmasking repressed emotions and connecting spiritually.