
Tuesday, February 23, 2016

Top 5 self care acts that can be done in 5 minutes.

Self care is so important, it can actually change your body's chemical state to a healthier one. Yet, it can so easily drop to the bottom of the to-do list some days. It's not until after I crash and burn that I kick it up to where is should be. In order to get better at making self-care a priority, I wanted to come up with a list my top 5 self-care actions that can be done in under 5 minutes. Here is that list for you.

1.       Inhale.

Many studies validate that deep breathing can calm the body and mind. When practiced regularly, breathing exercises can even help reduce the risk of depression, anxiety, nervousness, and help you feel grounded or balanced. I like to build on that by inhaling essential oils too. Smells have a direct route to the limbic system in the brain which is location where many stressful emotions are processed. Essentials oils support the body and can even support the mind by helping it clear blocked receptors, support better cell communication, and may even balance the chemistry of our brain.  I like to inhale a pleasant scent because it makes the process of deep breathing a little more enjoyable.

2.       Writing.

If we only have 5 minutes, let’s be a little more intentional.  A gratitude list can cheer our  mood. A focus list can encourage. Here's is a link that explains how to soft focus. Perhaps a thank you card to someone that has been supportive, inspiring, or even overlooked lately can shift how we feel.

3.       Movement.

A short walk gets our blood flowing and lungs engaged. This can be enough to clear our mind and mood. Sometimes a good stretch of the muscles, or chair yoga to work out some sore spots and ease the body is what I crave. Our minds and body are connected, a gentle self-massage can stimulate and relax the mind and body.  Rub the feet, massage the legs, stretch the arms, just getting things flowing can help get things moving in our mind.

   4.       Observe.

What do I see? Flowers, shapes in the clouds, co-workers needing a hand, a long to-go list. Do we tend to look at what work needs to be done? (dirty floors, pile of papers to sort, a cob web in the corner) or do we see things that are pleasing? (a kid laughing, someone relaxing, a card from a friend) What has your mind been consumed with? (worry, planning, difficult emotions OR appreciation, creativity, or learning?) We have the ability to chose what we think about. If we are holding thoughts that don’t serve us, like regretting things in the past or worrying about something in the future that might never happen, it can exhaust our mind. Taking a minute to observe what your mind has been thinking about lately and think about higher thoughts like gratitude, creativity, and learning something new can change your mood, develop the mind, and change your body’s chemistry. Becoming aware of thought patterns that are exhausting, lead to negative emotions, and don't serve us is the first step to changing that tendency.

5.       Declutter

We tend to hold onto stuff that only ends up as extra weight, physically and mentally. Take those 5 minutes and see how much you can clear out. Or look at your to-do list and cross off anything that isn’t getting you to your goal, get focused on what matters. Keep going, take those 5 minutes and mentally forgive someone that upset you recently. You don’t have to do any actual actions, just imagine giving them forgiveness, letting go of hurt feelings, and moving forward successfully, for both parties. Next time you see them, take action from this healthy state. You might find it more powerful if you imagine someone offering you forgiveness. Follow the same steps but from the receiving end. Bottom line here. Let go of what is not serving us where we are now.

5 minutes may not seem like a lot but that's enough dramatically change how our mind is working, our body's chemistry, our mood, and how we treat other's around us. If you need to, write it in your schedule a couple times a day.  Have more time? or want more ideas? Here is a post from a friend the was featured in Lifehack blog. She lists 40 ideas for self care. Click here to read. Take Care!

Courtney Juhl

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